PhD position in Computer Science with focus on AI and semantic web


Skilled and committed employees are a crucial factor in the success of Linköping University. And we need more of them. Our core expertise comes from teachers and researchers, but a successful university requires experienced and motivated employees in many fields. Everyone is important. We need to recruit many new employees thanks to, among all, an expansion in our research activity. We need you here. We look forward to receiving your application!

The Department of Computer and Information Science was founded in 1983 but its roots go back to the early 1970s. It is one of the largest computer science departments in northern Europe.

Our research covers a broad spectrum of fields, from core to applied computer sciences. Its vast scope also benefits our undergraduate and graduate programmes, and we now teach courses in several engineering programmes at bachelor’s and master’s levels, as well as the programmes in statistics, cognitive science and innovative programming.

We are looking for a PhD student in Computer Science with specialization in semantic web and knowledge representation formally based at the Department of Computer and Information Science.

Your work assignments and qualifications
As a doctoral student, you devote most of your time to doctoral studies and the research projects of which you are part. Your work may also include teaching or other departmental duties, up to a maximum of 20% of full-time.

You have graduated at Master’s level in computer science with a clear profile in artificial intelligence, semantic web, or a closely related field or completed courses with a minimum of 240 credits, at least 60 of which must be in advanced courses in the mentioned fields. Alternatively, you have gained essentially corresponding knowledge in another way.

Background of the applicant must cover the area of knowledge representation, in the form of relevant courses and/or a Master’s thesis, or have a documented equivalent level of knowledge. In addition to this, knowledge of semantic web standards, such as RDF and OWL, practical programming experience from developing semantic web and/or general web applications, as well as knowledge and experience of ontology engineering, are also considered highly valuable for the position.

You must have documented ability to take advantage of and build upon research in the area of knowledge representation, artificial intelligence in general, or a closely related field, as well as the ability to independently define, motivate, and plan research projects. You can document these abilities by e.g. a research-related Master’s thesis, or publications in scientific journals or conferences. As an additional documentation, you must enclose with the application an independently written plan for a thesis project (see the section Application procedure). The project may, but does not have to, become the project that you actually pursue during your studies.

Your proposed thesis project must be in the area of knowledge representation, and specifically target methods for development and use of ontologies. Ontologies are a specific kind of knowledge representation models that are commonly used to describe the meaning of data in web-based knowledge graphs, which in turn constitute an important part of the semantic web. Knowledge graphs can then be used for data sharing and integration, and as the basis for intelligent web-based systems, or other AI applications. We encourage proposals where ontologies and related knowledge graphs are used for applications in sustainability and circular economy.

The PhD project will partially be conducted in the context of externally funded projects, both national and EU-funded, in collaboration with both local and European industry, and in the context of developing the European circular economy. Previous experience with industry collaboration in research projects as well as experience from developing circular economy solutions are considered valuable.

You must be a proficient user of English. Knowledge of Swedish is beneficial.

Your workplace
You will work at the Division of Human-Centered Systems (HCS).

Terms of employment
When taking up the post, you will be admitted to the program for doctoral studies. More information about the doctoral studies at each faculty is available here.

The employment has a duration of four years’ full-time equivalent. You will initially be employed for a period of one year. The employment will subsequently be renewed for periods of maximum duration two years, depending on your progress through the study plan. The employment may be extended up to a maximum of five years, based on the amount of teaching and departmental duties you have carried out. Further extensions can be granted in special circumstances.

Starting date
1 August 2022, or by agreement.

Salary and employment benefits
The salary of doctoral students is determined according to a locally negotiated salary progression.

More information about employment benefits at Linköping University is available here.

Union representatives
Information about union representatives, see Help for applicants.

Application procedure
Apply for the position by clicking the “Apply” button below. Your application must reach Linköping University no later than 18 April, 2022.

Your application must contain an independently written plan for a thesis project in the area of knowledge representation, with specific focus on ontologies for sustainability and circular economy, as explained earlier. The plan must present a specific research question that you would want to investigate in your studies, together with a discussion motivating why this particular question merits investigation, based on previous literature. The plan must also propose a concrete method for addressing your research question. The project may, but does not have to, become the project that you actually pursue during your studies. The research plan must not be longer than four pages and must be written in English.

Applications and documents received after the date above will not be considered.

Equal opportunities
A majority of our PhD students within the Department of Computer and Information Scienceare are men, which is why precedence will be given to women in cases where qualifications are deemed otherwise equivalent.

Linköping University will continue to develop as an attractive and creative place of work, characterized by equal terms and actively works for equality and diversity.

We look forward to receiving your application!

Linköping university has framework agreements and wishes to decline direct contacts from staffing- and recruitment companies as well as from vendors of job advertisements.

Contact persons

Eva Blomqvist

Associate Professor

Sandra Malmström



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