Are you passionate about bioanalytical chemistry and are you looking for a PhD position? Would you like to work in a great team on a project involving understanding and controlling protein aggregation, while using state-of-the-art mass spectrometry techniques? Please apply at VU Amsterdam.

FTE:  1.0


Neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s diseases, are on the molecular level directly related to the formation of protein and peptide aggregates. However, the mechanism of aggregation, and especially the role of early-stage oligomers is still unclear. In this project, you will focus predominantly on understanding, controlling, and inhibiting the oligomeric stage, as neurodegenerative toxicity originates from these conformational intermediates that are formed along the aggregation pathway. Several potential therapeutic approaches aim to inhibit, slow down or reverse plaque formation by using small molecules inhibitors up to protein-based therapeutics such as monoclonal antibodies. However, a major breakthrough has yet to be made.

This project aims to develop multidimensional mass spectrometry-based methods to study and control the aggregation process of Alzheimer related proteins and their truncated forms. Different mass spectrometry-based analytical approaches will be considered, including liquid chromatography, ion mobility spectrometry, and UV and IR photodissociation spectroscopy. With the developed approaches, the PhD candidate will study the aggregation mechanism of Aß1-40, Aß1-42 and their truncated segments, thereby focusing on oligomer formation. Subsequently, the methodology will be used to screen potential small molecule drugs that interfere with aggregation or disaggregate peptide oligomers and to study disaggregation initiated by proteins such as chaperones, antibodies, and other (glyco-)proteins.

This PhD position is part of a larger VICI-project focusing on peptide and protein aggregation in neurodegenerative diseases. The PhD position is embedded in the division of BioAnalytical Chemistry, and you will join the MS-Laserlab-Analytics of Biomolecular Interactions team, where you will be supervised by prof. dr. Anouk Rijs and dr. Melissa Bärenfänger. Together with the team, you will present the results at national and international scientific conferences, and in relevant journals.

Your duties
  • Perform multidimensional mass spectrometry-based experiments on aggregating peptides and proteins
  • Develop MS-based assays to monitor disaggregation processes
  • Take part in maintaining and developing MS instrumentation
  • Contribute to teaching and supervising activities (including supervision of MSc and BSc students) at division of BioAnalytical Chemistry of VU Amsterdam
  • Collaborate within the team and with other international researchers
  • Publish scientific articles and present research results at international conferences and journals; and
  • Conduct research within the scope of the project leading to a dissertation and a PhD degree towards the end of the 4-year project


  • MSc or equivalent degree in Chemistry (Analytical, Physical) or related (Bio) Analytical Sciences
  • highly motivated candidate committed to research and showing a strong interest for mass spectrometry, protein aggregation, and biomolecular interactions
  • lab experience with analytical techniques such as LC-MS, ion mobility-MS or ion spectroscopy and tools for MS data analysis (such as Bruker DataAnalysis, Waters MassLynx, Matlab) is a plus
  • strong affinity with lab work and motivation for scientific research; and
  • solid oral and written communication skills in the English language and comfortable working both independently and in a team


A challenging position in a socially involved organization. The salary will be in accordance with university regulations for academic personnel and amounts €2,443 (PhD) per month during the first year and increases to €3,122 (PhD) per month during the fourth year, based on full-time employment. The job profile: PhD candidate is based on the university job ranking system and is vacant for 1 FTE.

The appointment will initially be for 1 year. After a satisfactory evaluation of the initial appointment, the contract will be extended for a total duration of 4 years. Additionally, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam offers excellent fringe benefits and various schemes and regulations to promote a good work/life balance, such as:
  • a maximum of 41 days of annual leave based on full-time employment
  • 8% holiday allowance and 8.3% end-of-year bonus
  • solid pension scheme (ABP)
  • possibility to save holiday hours, for sabbatical leave
  • child daycare facilities available on campus


The ambition of Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam is clear: to contribute to a better world through outstanding education and ground-breaking research. We strive to be a university where personal development and commitment to society play a leading role. A university where people from different disciplines and backgrounds collaborate to achieve innovations and to generate new knowledge. Our teaching and research encompass the entire spectrum of academic endeavor – from the humanities, the social sciences and the natural sciences through to the life sciences and the medical sciences.

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam is home to more than 26,000 students. We employ over 4,600 individuals. The VU campus is easily accessible and located in the heart of Amsterdam’s Zuidas district, a truly inspiring environment for teaching and research.

We are an inclusive university community. Diversity is one of our most important values. We believe that engaging in international activities and welcoming students and staff from a wide variety of backgrounds enhances the quality of our education and research. We are always looking for people who can enrich our world with their own unique perspectives and experiences.

The Faculty of Science
The Faculty of Science inspires researchers and students to find sustainable solutions for complex societal issues. From forest fires to big data, from obesity to medicines and from molecules to the moon: our teaching and research programmes cover the full spectrum of the natural sciences. We share knowledge and experience with leading research institutes and industries, both here in the Netherlands and abroad.

Working at the Faculty of Science means working with students, PhD candidates and researchers, all with a clear focus on their field and a broad view of the world. We employ more than 1,250 staff members, and we are home to around 6,000 students.

About the division of BioAnalytical Chemistry
The Division of BioAnalytical Chemistry (BAC) is part of the Department of Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences of the Faculty of Science, and of AIMMS. The research at BAC focuses on developing and applying novel, multidimensional analytics for the molecular understanding of biological and chemical processes. Within the MS-Laserlab-Analytics of biomolecular interactions team, we use and advance ion mobility mass spectrometry combined and/or integrated with molecular spectroscopy and highly selective separation techniques, to understand complex biological processes via characterization of molecular structure, intra/inter-molecular interactions and structural changes. We are particularly interested in peptide and protein aggregation related to neurodegenerative diseases.

BAC also trains and educates students and young professionals at the highest international level in the area of analytical chemistry. PhD, MSc, and BSc students actively and intensively participate in our research programs. We provide analytical courses in several BSc and MSc programs, such as Chemistry (in a joint degree with UvA), Pharmaceutical Sciences, Drug Discovery, and Safety, and Medical Natural Sciences. For research and teaching, BAC strongly collaborates with the analytical-chemistry group of the University of Amsterdam (UvA) in the Center for Analytical Sciences Amsterdam (CASA).

Are you interested in this position? Please apply via the application button and upload your curriculum vitae and cover letter until March 31st, 2022.

Applications received by e-mail will not be processed.

Vacancy questions
If you have any questions regarding this vacancy, you may contact:
Name: Prof. dr. Anouk M. Rijs
Position:  full professor

Relocation support
If you have any questions regarding moving to Amsterdam and working at VU Amsterdam, you may contact:
Name: Sara Veldhorst
Position: Relocation Advisor
Telephone:  +31 (20) 59 86212

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