Ph.D. position in Political Science focusing on Peace- and Conflict studies and women’s organizations as peacebuilders in illiberal post-war states


The Department of Political Science wants to strengthen the research group with a doctoral student in political science with a focus on Peace and Conflict studies. Starting date September 1, 2022 or by agreement.

The doctoral student will be part of the project “Between liberal norms and authoritarian governance: women’s organizations as peacebuilders in illiberal post-war states” which is part of the Swedish Research Council’s research program on civil society. The project explores how women’s organizations in post-war states in Asia are negotiating their position between international peacebuilding agendas, which position them as key partners, and authoritarian state governance which constrain their agency. Given the important role that women’s organizations are often expected to play in creating a just and sustainable peace, it is important to better understand how their role as peacebuilders is conditioned by the combined impact of international peacebuilding norms and practices, and domestic authoritarian governance.

We are looking for a doctoral student interested in examining how women’s organizations and activists are navigating these tensions in their work, and welcome applications with a research plan that links to the project. For more information about the project, see here.

This position is announced within the framework of one of the department's five research profiles. This position is within the research profile Peace and Conflict Studies. For more information, see here

For information about the department's other research profiles, see here and teaching assignments here

The employment

A position as a doctoral student in the doctoral program amounts to four years of full-time studies (240 higher education credits). A Ph.D. student can also participate in teaching or other departmental activities up to 20% of the time. In such cases, the employment is extended corresponding to this time, at most by a year.

Further information about the department's doctoral education in political science, including its general study plan, is available here

The doctoral student employment is financed by the Department of Political Science. The student will work in Umeå and the teaching takes place on the campus area. Active participation in the department's activities and involvement in the activities is expected.


To possess basic eligibility, the applicant should hold an advanced degree, have completed studies equivalent to at least 240 higher education credits, of at least 60 credits at an advanced level and at least 90 credits within Political Science or Peace- and Conflict studies. Persons who in some other manner, in Sweden or abroad, have acquired skills that are equivalent to this requirement can ask to be considered eligible.


Your competence is assessed on the basis of suitability for the doctoral program. The selection of eligible applicants will be based on:

  • ability to assimilate the education
  • previous academic study results
  • the quality of the submitted research plan, in relation to the focus of the advertised doctoral position

The following assessment criteria are considered, examining the ability to assimilate the education:

  • analytical ability
  • communicative ability, written and oral
  • critical ability • independence
  • performance within given time frames

Applicants must be proficient in both oral and written communication in English.


You apply via our recruitment system Varbi.

A complete application must include:

  • A cover letter summarizing your qualifications, scientific interests and motives for applying (max two pages)
  • Research proposal of 3-5 pages with a discussion of possible problems, purpose, theory and empirical data
  • CV / curriculum vitae
  • copies of grades and diplomas
  • at least one (but not more than three) essays / degree projects (C- and master's / master's thesis), written in English or Swedish
  • contact information for one or more reference persons, alternatively a maximum of two reference letters
  • any other merits of relevance for the position

Umeå University will offer a salary according to the current salary order for doctoral studies. The entry level is currently 29,000 SEK per month.

According to the Higher Education Ordinance (Chapter 12, Section 2), the decision on employment cannot be appealed.

About the Department of Political Science

The Department of Political Science at Umeå University has just over 70 employees. The department conducts undergraduate education and research in political science and peace and conflict studies. For more information, see here

Formalities for the application are stated in this advertisement, but any questions can also be asked via e-mail Postgraduate programme coordinator Torbjörn Bergman at or head of department Magnus Blomgren at Questions about the project can be directed to

The deadline for applying is April 8, 2022.

We look forward to your application!



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AN 2.2.1-111-22


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