Two PhD positions in Ecology or Physical Geography, with focus on stream-riparian interactions in boreal landscapes


The Department of Ecology and Environmental Science (EMG) at Umeå University, Sweden, invites applicants for PhD positions in ecology or physical geography, with a focus on stream-riparian interactions in boreal forest landscapes. The positions are expected to start on June 15, 2022 or according to agreement. Application deadline is 15 April, 2022.

Project description
The project aims to assess the influences of riparian vegetation structure on land-water interactions, stream ecosystem processes, and aquatic food webs in the northern Swedish landscape. Riparian buffer zones along small streams in northern Sweden are dominated by coniferous forests, yet new management recommendations call for efforts to prioritize broadleaf trees in these areas. This research will test what such a change could mean for the ability of buffer zones to retain nutrients at the land-water interface and to promote instream productivity, including resource acquisition of aquatic macroinvertebrate consumers. This project aims to advance basic knowledge related to land-water interactions in boreal landscapes but will also provide opportunities to engage stakeholders responsible for generating land-management plans in this region.

Work tasks
We are inviting applicants for two PhD-positions within the above project. The details of these positions will be tailored by the student’s specific interests but could include studies of nitrogen cycling and retention in riparian soils and groundwater, estimates of metabolic activity and food web structure in streams with variable riparian forest composition, and/or work in experimental channels that explores the role(s) of litter diversity in stream functioning. The project will benefit from ongoing collaborations between EMG, the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), and a range of stakeholders, including scientists at the Swedish Forest Agency (Skogsstyrelsen). 

These positions are co-financed by the Swedish Research Council (Formas), the Oscar and Lili Lamm Foundation, and EMG. The supervisor will be Dr. Ryan Sponseller, with co-supervisors located at SLU (Dr. Eliza Hasselquist, Dr. Lenka Kuglerová, and Professor Hjalmar Laudon).

To be admitted for studies at third-cycle level the applicant is required to have completed a ‘second-cycle’ degree, or completed course requirements of at least 240 credits, of which at least 60 credits are at second-cycle level, have an equivalent education from abroad (for example a Master’s degree), or have equivalent qualifications.

To fulfil the specific entry requirements to be admitted for studies at third-cycle level within the subjects of ecology or physical geography, the applicant is required to have completed courses within a first-cycle subject relevant to ecology or physical geography comprising at least 120 credits. At least one course at second-cycle level in a subject that is central to the doctoral student's planned specialization shall have been completed, as well an independent piece of work (degree project) with relevant specialization of at least 15 credits.

 The recruitment procedure for the position is in accordance with the Higher Education Ordinance (Högskoleförordningen Chapter 5 and 7). The requirements should be met at the time of acceptance to doctoral studies.

We are looking for a person with experience and interest in the ecology and/or biogeochemistry riparian zones and streams, with an academic background in Ecology, Physical Geography, or related field. Merits include specific knowledge related to riparian and/or stream ecosystems as well as experience with ecological or biogeochemical fieldwork. Additional desirable merits include knowledge of boreal forest landscapes, background training in statistics, and experience with field measures of nitrogen cycle processes, making estimates of stream metabolic activity, and/or working with stream macroinvertebrate communities. The successful applicant should also have a good ability to write and speak in English, creativity, power of initiative, independence, good interpersonal skills, and the ability to collaborate. An additional requirement includes a driving license for cars. 

Evaluations will be based on the application, references, and interviews.

Terms of employment
The employment is expected to result in a doctoral degree and the main assignment for the doctoral student is thus to be part of the research education, which includes participation in the described research project but also relevant course-work. Teaching and other departmental work (up to a maximum of 20%) can be included. The employment is limited to four years at full time or up to five years if teaching and other departmental work is performed. The salary is fixed according to the established salary level for doctoral students.

How to apply
You apply through our recruitment system on 15 April, 2022 at the latest. The application, written in English or Swedish, should include:

  • A short (max 2 pages) description of why you are interested in and suitable for the position
  • CV
  • Certified copies of degrees and certificates from higher education
  • List of completed university courses and the grades
  • Copy of degree thesis and possibly other scientific publications
  • Names and contact information of three reference persons

The documents should be in MS Word or PDF-format.

If you have questions regarding the position, please contact Ryan Sponseller,

The Department of Ecology and Environmental Science (EMG) is both a research and teaching department situated within the Umeå University campus. The department has approximately 120 staff members, of which 24 are PhD students. For more information:


2022-06-15 or according to agreement


Ryan Sponseller, universitetslektor


090-786 65 50

Registration number

AN 2.2.1-344-22


Monthly salary

Union representative



090-786 53 65



090-786 52 96



090-786 54 31




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