Associate Professor in Physics with specialization in Experimental Fusion Plasma Physics

 Uppsala University is a comprehensive research-intensive university with a strong international standing. Our ultimate goal is to conduct education and research of the highest quality and relevance to make a long-term difference in society. Our most important assets are all the individuals whose curiosity and dedication make Uppsala University one of Sweden’s most exciting workplaces. Uppsala University has over 54,000 students, more than 7,500 employees and a turnover of around SEK 8 billion.

The Department of Physics and Astronomy is one of Uppsala University's largest departments, with almost 400 employees, of which about 125 are doctoral students. The department conducts world-class research and education in both theoretical and experimental physics and has extensive collaboration with the outside world. The research is carried out at 10 research divisions and touches on everything from the unbelievably small to the very large in, for example, energy supply, climate development, new materials and the universe. This whole spectrum is also reflected in the department's courses and educational programs. Every year, around 2.500 students study courses at basic and advanced level at the department. Read more at

Description of subject area of the employment
The employment is placed within the Division of Applied Nuclear Physics at the Department of Physics and Astronomy, and especially in the field of experimental fusion plasma physics. The division has a well-established research group in the area, with activities at several of today's large fusion research facilities, such as JET, MAST Upgrade, ASDEX, etc. Activities aimed at future fusion facilities such as ITER, DTT and JT-60SA are also included. The research is strongly linked to experiments at leading international fusion facilities, with a focus on physics analysis and modeling of the neutron emission from the fusion plasma, in order to contribute to the development of fusion energy as a possible future energy source. With this employment, we seek to consolidate this experimentally focused activity, especially the part based on modeling, measurements and analysis of the neutron emission from the fusion plasma. A particularly fruitful part of this activity has been the study of the interaction between energetic ions and the rest of the fusion plasma and the instabilities of various kinds that occur there.


  • Teaching, research and administration. Teaching duties include course responsibility and course administration and supervision of second- and third-cycle students.
  • Research in experimental fusion plasma physics with a focus on measurements, modeling and analysis of the neutron emission. The work should focus on presently operational international fusion facilities such as JET, MAST Upgrade, ASDEX and on future facilities such as ITER, DTT and JT-60SA.
  • The employment also includes developing an attractive research environment for external funders and actively seeking and applying for external funding. This also includes initiating and participating in outreach, information spreading and dissemination of knowledge to the surrounding society about the activities within the group, the division and the department.
  • Follow developments within the subject area and the development of society in general that is important for the work at the university.
  • The position may include management tasks within the division, the department and/or the university.

Qualifications Required:

  • PhD degree in Physics or equivalent scientific competence.
  • Research Expertise and Teaching Expertise. It is necessary that the pedagogical skills, the research expertise and the professional skills are relevant to the content of the employment and the tasks that will be included in the employment.
  • Applicants must have completed teacher training of relevance to operations at the University, comprising ten weeks, or have acquired the equivalent knowledge. If special circumstances apply, this training for teachers in higher education may be completed during the first two years of employment.
  • Documented ability to teach in Swedish or English is a requirement unless special reasons prevail. The successful applicant is expected to be able to teach in Swedish within two years.
  • Personal capabilities necessary to carry out fully the duties of the appointment.

Assessment Criteria/Ranking of applicants that fulfil the above-mentioned qualifications required

The ranking of eligible applicants will be based primarily on research and teaching expertise, which will be given equal weight.

Research Expertise comprises research merits. In addition to academic merits, research merits from other activities, including technology development, may also be taken into account including research merits obtained outside the academy, which includes for example technology development and innovation ability. In assessing research expertise research quality must be the prime consideration. The scope of research, primarily in regard to depth and breadth, must also be afforded consideration.

In assessing research expertise special weight will be attached to research merits in experimental fusion plasma physics, especially at facilities with magnetic plasma confinement. The applicant must have a solid background in experimental fusion plasma physics. Participation in experiments and physics analysis of data from some of the major international fusion experiments is given much weight. Experience and knowledge of physics analysis, modeling and method development based on the neutron emission of the fusion plasma is given much weight. Knowledge of one or more of the simulation and modeling tools that are used in fusion research, such as ETS, TRANSP, ASCOT, LOCUST, PION, SELFO or similar tools, is given much weight. Scientific leadership in international collaborations is given weight.

Furthermore, consideration must be given to the capacity to plan, initiate, lead, and develop research and education in the third cycle, the ability to acquire funding for research in competition, as well as the demonstrated capacity to interact with others both within academia and in the wider community.

Teaching Expertise comprises educational and teaching qualifications. This expertise can have been achieved outside the academy through supervision, internal training, mentoring programs, etc. In assessing teaching expertise teaching quality must be the prime consideration. The scope of teaching experience, in terms of both breadth and depth, must also be afforded consideration. In assessing teaching expertise special weight will be attached to merits in teaching physics in both the first and second education cycles, as well as the ability to be responsible for and carry out teaching of complete courses.

Furthermore, consideration must be given to the capacity to plan, initiate, lead, and develop teaching and instruction, as well as the ability to connect research to teaching in respect to research in the subject at hand, subject didactics, as well as teaching and learning in higher education. The ability to interact concerning issues of teaching and learning in higher education with actors inside and outside the University is also included in teaching expertise.

All merits must be documented in a manner that makes it possible to assess both quality and scope.

In filling this position the university aims to appoint the applicant who, following a qualitative holistic assessment of her/his competence and expertise, is judged to have the best potential to carry out and develop the relevant duties and to help advance operations.

Further information
An applicant who is offered an employment as Associate Professor can be promoted to Professor if he/she has applied for this, is qualified for such a post, and moreover has been deemed suitable on the basis of the specific criteria established by the faculty board.

In an overall assessment of the applicant’s qualifications, parental leave, part-time work relating to care of children, union assignments, military service, or the like are to be regarded as work experience.

University appointment regulations

Faculty appointment regulations

Instructions for application

For further information about the position, please contact Associate Professor Michael Österlund, email:; Professor Göran Ericsson, email:

Type of position: Permanent full-time position, probationary period may be applied

Salary: Individually negotiated salary

Number of positions: 1

Scope of employment: 100 %

Town: Uppsala

Starting date: 2022-10-01 or as otherwise agreed

Please submit your application by July 29 2022, UFV-PA 2022/1210.

In the event of any disagreement between the English and the Swedish versions of this announcement, the Swedish version takes precedence.

If you are an international candidate, you will find a lot of information about working and living in Sweden at

Please do not send offers of recruitment or advertising services.

Submit your application through Uppsala University's recruitment system.

Placement: Department of Physics and Astronomy

Type of employment: Full time , Permanent position

Pay: Fixed salary

Number of positions: 1

Working hours: 100 %

Town: Uppsala

County: Uppsala län

Country: Sweden

Union representative: Seko Universitetsklubben

Number of reference: UFV-PA 2022/1210

Last application date: 2022-07-29

Apply for position

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