Postdoctoral researcher Occupational Epidemiology

 We offer an exciting position for a Postdoctoral researcher in epidemiology and workplace exposures. This position will be based within the Occupational Health research group at IRAS. We are looking for an enthusiastic and forward-thinking occupational epidemiologist, who can complement and strengthen our team.

You will work with data generated within several international projects (e.g., the EU-H2020 Exposome Project for Health and Occupational Research (EPHOR) including pooled occupational cohort studies, and case-control studies such as AsiaLymph, Synergy) and will apply state-of-the-art methods for aetiological research. Furthermore, you will be involved in projects within the scope of the new national expertise centre on occupational diseases (LEXCES) in the Netherlands. Supervision of PhD and MSc students during their research projects, as well as teaching in the MSc Health and Environment is a possibility. Contributions to the processes of applying for new research funding will be encouraged.

In addition to the national and international partners within the various research projects and the Occupational Health group members, you will collaborate closely with researchers within the Exposome and environmental epidemiology projects coordinated by Prof Vermeulen.


We are looking for an enthusiastic and ambitious candidate who has completed a PhD in epidemiology, environmental science, or a related discipline and has a strong interest in epidemiology, occupation and health. Our new colleague is a motivated and collaborative team member, communicative and resourceful, open to collaboration across scientific fields, and has the ambition to contribute to scientific progress as well as to perform socially relevant research. The candidate should have experience in epidemiological data analysis, and additional experience in occupational exposure assessment is preferred. Furthermore, the candidate should be able to work independently, be proactive and should have excellent verbal and written communication skills in English.


This is an appointment for the duration of 1 year (0.9 - 1.0 FTE). In case of good performance, extending employment is one of the possibilities. The minimum gross salary is € 2,960,- and the maximum gross salary is € 4,670,- (scale 10 of the Collective Labour Agreement of Dutch Universities) per month, at full-time employment.

Besides that, you will receive a holiday allowance of 8 % and a year-end bonus of 8.3 %. Utrecht University also has an appealing package of terms of employment 

, including the choice for a good balance between work and private (a good arrangement for leave, among other things), possibilities for development and an excellent pension scheme. More information about working at Utrecht University 
external link
. You will start with an annual contract, with the option to extend by 1 year and potentially longer.

About the organisation

A better future for everyone. This ambition motivates our scientists in executing their leading research and inspiring teaching. At Utrecht University 

, the various disciplines collaborate intensively towards major societal themes. Our focus is on Dynamics of Youth, Institutions for Open Societies, Life Sciences and Sustainability.

The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 
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 has a unique position in the Netherlands. Not only is this the only institution where veterinarians are trained, researchers are also working together on innovative scientific research. In addition, the faculty provides specialist clinical care in the largest academic veterinary hospital in Europe. Thanks to this position, the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine is a point of contact for all veterinary matters, both nationally and increasingly internationally.
The faculty employs approximately 900 veterinarians, scientists and support staff and counts 1.500 students.

IRAS is an inter-faculty research institute 

 within the Faculties Veterinary Medicine, and Medicine of Utrecht University. Its mission is to provide education and research on the human and environmental health risks of exposure to potentially harmful agents in the environment where research takes place within the domains of Toxicology, Environmental Epidemiology and Veterinary Public Health.

Additional information

For more information about this position, please contact: Prof. Dr. R. Vermeulen 

 (Professor), via 
external link
 or Dr. Susan Peters 
external link 
external link


Everyone deserves to feel at home at our university. We welcome employees with a wide variety of backgrounds and perspectives.

To apply, please send your curriculum vitae, including a letter of motivation via the 'apply' button.

The application deadline is 1 August 2022.

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