Professor in modern history


The Department of History at the University of Southern Denmark (SDU) invites applications for a professorship in modern history (1850 until now) with a starting date of 1 February 2023 or soon thereafter. A research profile in technology will count as a special strength. The applicant must, through research and teaching, be qualified to take responsibility for the historical part of the English program. The successful applicant is expected to teach within the BA and MA programmes in English and History and contribute to the other programmes that the Department is responsible for.

We seek a colleague who as professor will be able to contribute considerably to the continued development of the Department. Applicants for the professorship are expected to demonstrate research and teaching qualifications at a high international level, both in regard to the analytical and to the theoretical and methodological dimensions of the field.

In terms of research, w e value thematic breadth and a strong publication record that comprises monographs, as well as articles in prestigious international journals within the field. We further expect applicants to champion an active and ambitious research agenda.

Applicants are expected to have broad experience in teaching and supervision at all levels (BA to PhD) and to perform teaching of a proven high quality, documented through evaluations and specific course descriptions. 

The Department of History is a dynamic and vibrant community that values good academic citizenship and a good work environment strongly. Appointment to a professorship entails taking responsibility both for the Department's professional development and for its further growth as an inclusive workplace. We presuppose a proven track record of research management experience, of attracting external research funds, and of participating in international research networks. We expect applicants to actively use these qualifications to the benefit of the Department. Additionally, we expect applicants to take on administrative tasks. 

The applicant's research plan is expected to not only feature plans for research and ideas for projects but also to introduce a vision for further developing the teaching programs, for contributing to the Department's academic environment, for engaging in the dissemination of knowledge, etc.; finally, the research plan is expected to position the applicant in regard to the general strategy of the Department and of SDU.

Within a shorter period of time, non-Danish speaking appointees are expected to acquire proficiency in Danish at a level sufficient to serve in the position. 

For further information about the position, please contact Head of Department Martin Rheinheimer, via telephone (+45 65504201) or email (

Academic staff at the Department is required to cover teaching requisitions from related areas , including cross-disciplinary teaching activities and, for instance, the programmes combining business, language and cultural studies.  

Application, salary and conditions of employment, etc.
Employment shall be on the terms specified in the labour market agreement and the salary shall correspond to LR 37 (pay bracket 37) annually DKK 536.665,33 plus pension (1st April 2016 level). To this must be added a non-pension-qualifying supplement of DKK 52.935,93 (1st April 2016 level) from the executive pool. 

An application must include: 

  • Application letter/cover letter
    • CV
    • Documentation of qualifications (diplomas, etc.)
    • Teaching portfolio
    • Research plan, including documentation of research management experience and record of external funding 
    • Complete list of publications. The enclosed publications must be clearly marked. 
    • Up to 6 relevant publications. One pdf-file per publication should be attached. In case of co-authorship, signed statements stipulating the extent and nature of the candidate's contribution should be included in the relevant pdf-file. 

Applicants for a professorship at the Faculty of Humanities are requested to submit a teaching portfolio with the application as documentation for teaching experience as well as supervision qualifications. Please read more here

Application and all appendices must be in Danish, English or one of the Scandinavian languages. Please always include a copy of original diploma/certificates.

We only accept files in pdf-format no more than 10 MB per file. In case you have more than one file per field you need to combine the pdf-files into a single file, as each field handles only one file. We do not accept zip-files, jpg or other image files. All pdf-files must be unlocked and allow binding and may not be password protected.

Applications will be assessed by an assessment committee. When the assessment committee has submitted its report, the applicant will receive the part of the evaluation that concerns him/her.
The assessment report will subsequently be forwarded to the Head of Department who will assemble an appointments committee. An interview may form part of the overall assessment of the applicants' qualifications.

The committee may request additional information, and if so, it is the responsibility of the applicant to provide the necessary material.

If the application does not meet the requirements mentioned above, the Faculty of Humanities may reject your application without further notice. Applications received after the deadline will neither be considered nor evaluated.

Shortlisting and tests may be used in the assessment process. Please note that only shortlisted applicants will be assessed.

Applications should be sent electronically via the link "apply online", and the Faculty expects applicants to read the information "How to apply" before applying. 

We recommend that as an international applicant you take the time to visit Working in Denmark where you will find information and facts about moving to, working and living in Denmark, as well as the International Staff Office at SDU.


Send application
Deadline 2022-Sept-01

You can apply for the job at Faculty of Humanities by completing the application form


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