Professor of gender-based violence and health

 Uppsala University is a comprehensive research-intensive university with a strong international standing. Our ultimate goal is to conduct education and research of the highest quality and relevance to make a long-term difference in society. Our most important assets are all the individuals whose curiosity and dedication make Uppsala University one of Sweden’s most exciting workplaces. Uppsala University has over 54,000 students, more than 7,500 employees and a turnover of around SEK 8 billion.

The Department of Women's and Children's Health (KBH) is an international and multi-professional department that focuses on health and welfare. The global health perspective is always present, and we collaborate across professions and clinical areas, within both education and research.

The National Centre for Knowledge on Men's Violence Against Women (NCK) at Uppsala University, KBH and the Academic Hospital, has been tasked by the Government to raise knowledge at a national level on men's violence against women, honour-related violence and oppression, violence in same-sex relationships and to provide support for abused women. NCK's government commission includes conducting research related to the clinical activities in the area of men's violence against women.

Description of the subject area: The subject area of gender-based violence and health includes men's violence against women, violence in intimate partner relationships, honour-related violence and oppression, as well as prostitution and human trafficking. The subject area of gender-based violence and health is interdisciplinary and can be highlighted with both medical and humanistic and social science approaches.

Duties: Duties include your own research as well as to follow developments within the subject area and the development of society in general that is important for the work at the university. The professor is expected to develop and lead the research at NCK. The position includes teaching at the first cycle and second cycle education level within the subject area of gender-based violence and health, as well as related management and organisational duties. The position may be combined with a clinical position at the Academic Hospital.

Qualification requirements: To be qualified for the position of professor, the applicant must have demonstrated both research expertise and teaching expertise (Chapter 4, Section 3 Higher Education Ordinance, HF). A qualification requirement for teachers, according to Section 5 of the Appointment Regulations for Uppsala University (AO in Swedish), is to have the personal qualities needed to perform well in the position.

The research expertise must have been demonstrated through independent research efforts and by the applicant's qualifications mainlining very high quality in an international perspective. The applicant must have demonstrated expertise in planning, initiating, managing and developing research, have demonstrated the ability to obtain research funding, and present well-documented expertise in supervision at third-cycle (doctoral) education level. The applicant's contribution to the national and international research communities shall be assessed based on the quality and scope of scientific publication (see Section 31 of the Appointment Regulations for Uppsala University, AO in Swedish), among other things.

The teaching expertise must have been demonstrated through extensive qualifications in education (see Section 22 of the Appointment Regulations for Uppsala University, AO in Swedish). In addition, the applicant must present well-documented expertise in supervision at first, second, and third-cycle (doctoral) education level. A prerequisite for teaching expertise to be considered to exist is completed training in teaching and learning in higher education that is relevant to the activities and of at least ten weeks' duration, or equivalent knowledge. In the event of special reasons, the training in teaching and learning in higher education can be conducted during the first two years of employment. The training in teaching and learning must include training in research supervision.

The applicant must have documented ability to teach in Swedish or English (see Section 6 of the Appointment Regulations for Uppsala University, AO in Swedish).

Applicants who so wish may be offered a combined position.

There are additional qualification requirements to be employed in a combined position.

For a combined position as a specialist doctor, the applicant must have Swedish medical licensure and certificate of specialist competence or have submitted an application to the National Board of Health and Welfare for Swedish medical licensure and certificate of specialist competence by no later than the last application date. However, the applicant must have obtained Swedish medical licensure and certificate of specialist competence by no later than the decision.

For a combined position in another medical professional category, the applicant must have a Swedish licensure or have submitted an application to the National Board of Health and Welfare for Swedish licensure by no later than the last application date. However, the applicant must have obtained Swedish licensure by no later than the decision.

Assessment criteria: When making a selection from among eligible applicants, weight will be attached primarily to research expertise and then to teaching expertise and management expertise. When assessing the research expertise, special weight will be attached to research qualifications in the field of gender-based violence and health.

Research expertise refers to research qualifications. In assessing research expertise, research quality must be the primary consideration. Consideration must also be given to the scope of the research, in terms primarily of its depth and breadth. Furthermore, consideration must be given to the capacity to plan, initiate, lead and develop research at third-cycle (doctoral) education level, the ability to obtain research funding in competition, and the ability to collaborate and engage with the wider community through research (Section 20 of the Appointment Regulations for Uppsala University, AO in Swedish). Experience in supervising doctoral students for the public defence of their doctoral theses is also meritorious. See also Section 3 Guidelines and assessment criteria for recruiting and promoting teachers at the Disciplinary Domain of Medicine and Pharmacy (RB).

Teaching expertise refers to educational qualifications. In assessing teaching expertise, teaching quality must be the primary consideration. Consideration must also be given to the scope of teaching experience, in terms of both breadth and depth. Furthermore, consideration must be given to the capacity to plan, initiate, lead and develop education, and to the ability to base teaching on research. Teaching expertise should also include the ability for interaction with actors both inside and outside the university on issues relating to teaching and learning in higher education. See also Section 4 RB.

Weight will be attached to management expertise and administrative expertise, which are of great importance to the position. Account will be taken of the ability to collaborate and engage with co-workers and the wider community, as well as to provide information about research and development work. Management expertise is demonstrated by the ability to lead operations and staff, make decisions, take responsibility and motivate others, providing them with the conditions needed for efficient achievement of shared goals. Expertise may also be demonstrated by an ability to coordinate the group, to help create a sense of involvement, participation and job satisfaction, and to deal with conflicts, among other things. See also Section 5 RB.

According to the appointment regulations, administrative expertise is demonstrated, among other things, through the ability to plan, organise and prioritise the work in an efficient and purpose-designed manner, and through the ability to specify and meet a schedule. Such expertise includes overall operational planning, the ability to manage resources in a way that reflects operational priorities, and the ability to work in a structured manner based on awareness of goals and quality. See also Section 5 RB.

When assessing collaboration expertise, experience of and expertise in education and outreach work, editorships and other activities related to knowledge exchange between academia and the wider community, as well as experience of innovation and entrepreneurship, will be given weight. See also Section 6 RB.

When the University appoints new teachers, it must select the applicants who, following a qualitative overall assessment of their competence and expertise, are judged to have the best potential to perform and develop the relevant duties and to contribute to the positive development of the department/equivalent (Section 4 of the Appointment Regulations for Uppsala University, AO in Swedish).

The gender equality aspect must be applied in an appointment process if it is evident following a qualitative assessment that two applicants of different gender have equal or approximately equal qualifications and if one gender is under-represented (constitutes less than 40% of those in the occupational category in question and at the workplace concerned). The applicant's parental leave, and part-time work due to the care of children or similar, will be taken into account as meritorious work experience.

Appointment Regulations for Uppsala University (AO in Swedish)

Guidelines and assessment criteria

For instructions on how to apply for teacher positions, see: Career portfolios. Rules and guidelines

Salary: Individual salary setting will be applied.

First day of employment: By agreement.

Form of Employment: Position with indefinite employment.

Contract type: 100%.

Information about the position is provided by: NCK's Director, Anita Hussénius, +46(0)73 469 7303,, or KBH's Head of Department, Inger Sundström Poromaa, +46(0)70 246 5156,

You are very welcome to send us your application, which should be written in English, no later than 16 September, UFV-PA 2022/1239.

In the event of any disagreement between the English and the Swedish versions of this announcement, the Swedish version takes precedence.

Please do not send offers of recruitment or advertising services.

Submit your application through Uppsala University's recruitment system.

Placement: Department of Women's and Children's Health

Type of employment: Full time , Permanent position

Pay: Individual salary

Number of positions: 1

Working hours: 100 %

Town: Uppsala

County: Uppsala län

Country: Sweden

Union representative: Saco-rådet
Seko Universitetsklubben

Number of reference: UFV-PA 2022/1239

Last application date: 2022-09-16

Apply for position

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